~Coco Chanel
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Artist Colony
And recently, I think I've begun to understand inspiration. I was flipping through an issue of Allure and found sort of a 'Naughty or Nice' spread with different makeup looks based on princess/villan. After studying these couple looks for a while, I got up and raided my mother's jewlrey box for all 'princess-y' peices I could find. For about a week after that, I was wearing a ton of soft colors and lacy patterns. After that, I sort of realized the point of inspiration.
But it's not just pictures that can inspire you, it's words too, right? And since I'm going to count music as words, I'll share some songs that I've really liked.
Thanks for reading. :)
<3 Amy
Sunday, August 29, 2010
This first one is the trailer/add for the movie. It sort of has little sections of most of the songs in the movie.
There is a lot of good dancing in this movie, it is a musical, and this is a small snippet. I like that word. :-)
I just happened to come across this last one and found it pretty funny. It's bits of different movies with the same actor that played George M. Cohan in Yankee Doodle Dandy put to 80's pop music... Interesting combo...
Anyhow, you may be wondering what this is all about. And yes, it does have something to do with fashion! Amazing! Well, today I was digging through some of my mom's old things and we found my grandfather's dog tags from when he was in the army. It was sort of weird to see because he's been dead for almost 8 years, but it was sort of awesome, too. And since my mom wasn't going to be doing anything with them, I asked her if I could have them, and she said yes! Score! So, since my wardrobe does not contain a military jacket or belt at the moment (or even combat boots), this will make up for the lack of military style stuff that seems to be trendy right now. Plus it's athentic. That gives me extra brownie points, right? Plus, she let me have my grandpa's letter that he awarded for pole vaulting (aka track). I am lacking a jacket, but hopefully I'll get one soon. Another thing about my grandfather that I find insane; he was Mr. Wisconsin! Who would have thunk?
Other things we found; a total of five rosaries (including one that may or may not contain the ashes of my great-great-aunt, who died at the age of twelve), a pocket watch (with intricate designs on the outside and dated August 24, 1900 on the inside), a locket with engravings of Jesus and Mary on the inside (that I believe belonged to my great-great-aunt because her initials are on it), a vintage beaded necklace with matching earrings, a leather war bond wallet (which could possibly make an excellent clutch), an embroidered coin purse, a 70 year old leather watch (belonging to my great-grandfather), some costume jewlrey, a pocket knife, and a solid gold cross necklace. Turns out my mom has some pretty cool stuff in her dresser after all!
All for today.
Amy <3
Friday, August 27, 2010
Cats eat dogs.

So after being horribly depressed that the most popular (and mean, and snobby, and rich) girl in our grade has become even more beautiful than she was last year (although I'm the one with the freshman boyfriend! So, ha!), I spent the majority of today browsing the internet and looking at the websites/eStores many major fashion labels such as; Prada, Miu Miu, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Burberry Prorseum, Alexander Wang, Jason Wu, Gucci, Coach, Juicy Couture, Hermes (I can't do the accent!), DKNY, Vera Wang, Chanel, DSquared, Alexander McQueen, etc. Yes, I do have a lot of time on my hands. And through my browsing, I will post some of favorites, some of which I hope to buy before Christmas!

Friday, August 20, 2010
A long after continued post.
Beyonce; You've been a very bad girl. A very, very bad, bad girl, Gaga.
Another favorite line from that video is said by Miss Gaga herself; You know what they say, once you kill a cow, you gotta make a burger.
I guess it's sorta random, but it sorta makes sense, right? Once you've done half the job, you need to finish what you've started... Gosh, I'm off track today!!!
Anyhow, I sorta just dropped the ball last post. Cultural, the clothes move. Ooooh goodness. I was thinking a bunch more than that when I was watching the show.
As I said, it all looks very cultural. The embroidery and stiching detailing starting at the hemlines (like the 1st look) and working their way upwards (3rd look). The furs that sort of carried on throughout. And the accessories. If you watch the 3rd look, you'll see the zoom on the gorgeous belt that almost looks like leather and bones woven together. Love love love.
These aspects along with the warmer fabrics work nicely with the hair and makeup. I immediantly thought 'Asia!' and then 'Winter!' There was so much to process! I watched the video about six times in a row, and I still keep seeing new things! First time, I was just seeing if I could use it for a post. The next time I see the movement of the skirts.
Anyhow, most of this stuff isn't the most wearable, like the big skirts with the deep pockets, but most of the jackets, shoes, dresses, and acessories I would definitely like to own!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
John Galliano
Yay! It works!
My thoughts; Very cultural peices (no, duh), and I L-O-V-E how the bottoms of the dresses move. They make the models look they're dancing! So gorgeous!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Veronique Leroy
In my opinion, the first few remind of the 6th grade Medieval Fair, when we got to do a bunch of projects about the middle ages and present a 'fair' to the rest of the school. Well, we also got to dress up (can you say 'fashion show?') and the outfits for the beggers/peasents were seriously potatoe sacks with holes for one's head and arms. That is what some of these things look like. After the first few walked the runway (and after that horrible stumble!) I began to enjoy some of the emsambles, including these.
I'm sort of a jacket (namely blazers, trenches, and peacoats) person, so I absolutely love the jackets from the bottom two. The middle one if a big... baggy (for lack of a better word) for my taste, but I still am completely in love with it. I like the large black buttons against the grey fabric. The collar is also very chic. The second jacket I also love (obviously). It's great that it's paired with such a silk-like skirt (it seems almost like liquid in it's movements, therefore it reminds me of silk) because it's so structured. Nice balance! The somewhat severe shoulders I also enjoy. I just like the print of the first dress. Almost reminds me of the classiness of the collections seen in the movie Coco Chanel, a movie about the fashion icon Gabriella 'Coco' Chanel. It was an excellent movie, I do recommend it, by the way.
I also loved the textured scarf seen in almost all of the looks. It looks so darn soft! Adds a nice pop to some of the plainer pieces. I also love the repitition of the white pumps, although the models did look very wobbly-limbed despite the fact that the heels really don't look that high! But hey, I'm not wearing them, so I guess I can't really critique.
That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed my more fashion-orientated post! Maybe next time we'll see me in some outfits of my own? :o We'll see...
<3 Amy
Another thing that drives me mad; MOVIES. I hate how you see movies, and there is something that you just love but it cannot be yours, because unlike a fashion magazine, they will not tell you the designer or the price. :( The piece that I'm lusting after (in a movie, no less), is the red trimmed navy coat that 'Alison' (Zooey Deschanel) wears in Yes Man, which I can sadly not find ANY PICTURES OF. But, I still love Miss Deschanel. Something about those lovely eyes, or maybe it's the fact that her nose reminds me of my own (which I still think is too large for my face), or maybe it's just the sound of her voice.
Look at those eyes!
She reminds me soo much of Katy Perry (whom I also adore because of her music and her I-don't-give-a-crap attitude)! I mean, look how alike their faces are!
Or is it just me?
Anyhow, they both are gorgeous girls with talent that I will definitely be keeping my eye on!
That's it for today! Next time I might actually talk more (???) about fashion!
<3 Amy <3
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Enter Amy
But I'm here, which I suppose is important. Starting is the first step. I'll try to put more interesting outfits on here (vintage white gloves, anyone?) and post often (once a week at least) to (hopefully) keep you guys interested. If there is anyone reading this. That's a scary thought. Posting every all the time on a blog and having no one read it? If that's the case for most people, why are these blogs here? Why not just make them public-online-diaries? But, then agian, that would probably just be a Leafless Diary, wouldn't it?
Real post later.
Luv ya all.
Amy :)